Wyoming Business Entity Search (Step-by-Step Guide)

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by How to Start an LLC Team
Last updated: June 23rd, 2024
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If you’re planning on starting a business in the state of Wyoming, the first step in the process is performing a business name search.

This will help identify whether the names you are considering are available for business filing or whether you need to continue your search for a suitable name for your business.

Additionally, the search results include various details about each entity on record. There are also a number of search options available when looking for entities registered in the state.

The following step-by-step guide will show you how to conduct a Wyoming business entity search.

Wyoming search tips

Make use of these tips when conducting your Wyoming business entity search: all will will will all

  • The Wyoming business entity search is not case-sensitive, so you may use both upper and lowercase letters.
  • Special characters, spaces and punctuation marks will not affect the search results, so feel free to include or exclude them from the search.
  • Enter just the first one or two words of a long name, for the broadest results.
  • Enter all the words of a long name to narrow down your results.

Additionally, the search options on the Wyoming Secretary of State Business Center website allow you to refine your search by using the following options:

  • Starts with
  • Contains

For a comprehensive list of rules to help improve your searches, read through the “Searching Business Entity Names Helpful Search Tips” document.

Business search by filing name

To begin your business search, refer to the Wyoming Secretary of State Business Center website.

Enter the business’s filing name

Enter the company’s name into the appropriate search bar.

You may choose to refine the search by selecting either the “starts with” or “contains” option.

Thereafter, click on the “Search” button or hit Enter on your keyboard.

Review the results

If matching entries are found, they will be displayed on this page.

On this page, you will be able to view a few pieces of information pertaining to the entities, including the tax standing, RA standing, and status.

Review additional business information

If you’d like to view additional information on a business, simply click on the name of the business, and it will take you to the business summary page.

Here, you’ll be able to view various pieces of information such as the status, initial filing date, inactive date, as well as principal office details.

Business search by filing ID

While on the same page, you may search for entities using the filing ID number.

Enter the filing ID number

Enter the filing number into the relevant search bar and click on the “Search” button.

Review the results

If you entered the correct filing ID number, then there should only be one result showing up. This will be an exact match. You’ll have access to all the information you did when searching via filing name.

Wyoming search results

  • Irrespective of the search criteria or search type used, you will be able to view the following information:
  • Name
  • Status
  • Filing ID
  • Sub status
  • Initial filing
  • Standing – Tax
  • Standing – RA
  • Standing – Other
  • Term of duration
  • Formed in
  • Fictitious name (if applicable)
  • Principal office
  • Mailing address
  • Registered agent details
  • History
  • Business filings
  • Organizer

Copies of documents and certificates

After conducting the business name search, you may need to request certified copies of business documents. Business documents are available in plain copies as well as certified copies. You should go for the appropriate options depending on what you need them for.

Certified copies usually come with a seal or certificate stating that it is a true and correct copy of the business document. Additionally, it includes the date that the document was certified by the Secretary of State. Furthermore, it also includes the signature of one of the Secretary of State’s representatives.

When requesting a plain copy, you should understand that it’s simply a photocopy of the business document that the state has on file. It does not come with any specific seals, endorsements, or certificates.

However, if you need government or financial institution documents, you should note that they must be certified copies of business documents and not plain copies.

Some of the reasons why you made need certified copies of business documents include:

  • Applying for bank loans
  • Submitting tax filings
  • Replacing original business documents
  • Supplying Wyoming business registration

When it comes to a Certificate of Good Standing, it can only be issued by the Wyoming Secretary of State or https://sos.wyo.gov/. Additionally, you need to be up-to-date with all the administrative requirements prior to receiving the certificate.

However, you should note the Wyoming SOS certifies business documents that were initially filed with that specific office. However, if the document was issued by the office but not filed with it, they cannot certify it.

Certified copies of business documents requested from the Secretary of State’s office can take anywhere between 15 to 20 business days. You can expect to pay a minimum of $45 plus state document fees. However, if you need expedited service or you need the documents within 7 to 10 business days, you’ll need to be a $75 filing fee plus additional state document fees.

Reach out to the Secretary of State’s office to learn more about requesting certified copies.

Business name availability

Something you should take note of is that even if the name you’re searching for does not appear in the search results, there’s no guarantee that it will remain available until you’re ready to initiate the business registration process.

Therefore, it’s highly recommended that you register an available name immediately. However, if, for some reason, you are not able to initiate the business registration process right now, then you may reserve the name of the state with the state of Wyoming.

Depending on your business structure, you may need to complete the Limited Liability Company Application for Reservation of Name Form or the Application for Reservation of a Corporate Name Form. Both of these documents may be requested from the Secretary of State’s office.

When completing the relevant form, ensure that it includes the information below:

  • The name of the business you want to reserve
  • The address (not PO box) and name of the applicant
  • Contact details of a contact person if there are issues with filing
  • The date of filing
  • Applicant’s signature

Name reservations in Wyoming come with a $50 filing fee.

Prior to reserving the name, it’s also recommended that you conduct a trademark search either on the Wyoming Department of State’s website or the USPTO website to ensure that no other entity has already trademarked this name.

Additionally, when deciding on a name for your Wyoming corporation or LLC, keep the following rules in mind:

  • Do not use words or phrases that imply that your company is formed for your andy illegal or unlawful purposes.
  • Do not include words or phrases that imply that your company is formed for any other purpose other than what is stated in its Articles of Incorporation.
  • Do not choose any terms or phrases that may imply that your company is affiliated with a financial institution.
  • In order to use words like Academy, educate, college, etc., you’ll need prior approval from the state’s Department of Education.
  • All names beginning with the letter “A” require additional review by the Secretary of State’s office.
  • Ensure that your Wyoming name is significantly different from any other existing business in the state.

For the complete set of naming rules, read through the “Wyoming how to choose a company name” PDF document.

Domain name availability

Once you’ve gone through the process of deciding on a suitable name for your company, it’s time to start thinking about a strong domain name as well. This is because domain names are as equally important as business names in the age of the Internet.

Therefore, contemplating and registering a domain name is not something that should be done on the spur of the moment. Ultimately your domain name or URL is a valuable marketing tool that will lead customers to your website.

Therefore, ensuring that your domain name establishes your online presence requires careful deliberation.

Some of the benefits of a professional and strong domain are as follows:

  • It establishes your business as a forward-thinking and tech-savvy brand.
  • It provides visibility for your brand.
  • It offers professional credibility to your business and separates you from the millions of other fly-by-night websites out there.
  • It increases your search engine ranking.
  • With a professional website combined with a strong domain name, you can market your products and services around the world.

When it comes to design deciding on a domain name, ensure that it reflects your values, your company’s identity, and what your brand promises to deliver.

Additionally, it’s also important to consider the length of the domain name. It should preferably be between six to ten letters, with eight being a perfect balance. It should also be concise, simple, and memorable.

One of the best ways to decide on the ideal domain name for your business and brand is to use a professional domain name checking service like Namechk.com.

Not only does Namechk.com filter your options and provide suggestions in the event that your domain name is already taken, but it also checks your domain name against hundreds of platforms, including more than 100 social media networks.

Fictitious business name search

DBA names are also known as “doing business as” assumed, trade, and fictitious names that are used to transact when you don’t want to use your legal entity name. In the state of Wyoming, a DBA is more commonly known as a trade name.

You don’t necessarily need to register a trade name in the state; however, if you plan on conducting business under a different name from your business entity name, then it is mandatory.

This is especially since you won’t be able to open a corporate bank account or enter into contracts without your trade name is legally registered in the state.

A trade name is also a good idea if you are forming a corporation or limited liability company and you simply want to have another business under your corporate umbrella to keep the liability protection without the hassle of forming an entirely new entity.

To register a trade name in the state, you’ll need to complete the Trade Name Registration Form. Please also note that the DBA filing fee is $100 and is valid for ten years. If you’d like to renew your DBA name after ten years, you’ll need to pay a $50 annual fee.

Please also note that it takes approximately 15 business days for the Secretary of State’s office to process your trade name application.


Should I form a limited liability Partnership or a limited liability company?

The type of business structure you decide on will depend on your goals. Additionally, you need to take a close look at your state laws, as LLCs may have higher taxes imposed on them in comparison to LLPs. However, overall, if your main concern is tax flexibility or limited liability, then an LLC is the way to go.

How do you nominate a registered agent?

You may nominate anyone to serve as your company’s registered agent, also known as a service of process agent. However, they must be at least 18 years of age, have a physical street address in the state of Wyoming, remain available during normal working hours, and consent to the appointment.

What do for-profit corporations and nonprofits have in common?

Both for-profit corporations and nonprofits create some type of legal separation between the members of the organization and the company it’s itself. Therefore, employees and members of a for-profit are protected from legal and financial liabilities. For-profits also have full-time managers and employees, while nonprofit organizations have a Board of Directors and members who work hand in hand to further the cause.

What is a lien?

If you hear the word “lien” or the plural “liens,” it means that a person may keep anything that belongs to another person until the debt owed is paid off. Ultimately, it’s a legal claim against property that can be used as collateral to repay debt.

What is the Uniform Commercial Code?

The Uniform Commercial Code, also known as the UCC, is a comprehensive set of laws that dictate how commercial transactions based in the US should be carried out. It is a uniformly adopted state law; however, it’s not federal law. However, it certainly does play an essential role in regulating interstate transactions of a business.

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